Quality & Products


What are functional mushrooms?

Functional mushrooms, often referred to as medicinal mushrooms, embody a unique category of fungi celebrated for their health-enhancing properties beyond basic nutrition. These remarkable organisms are rich in a variety of bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides, beta-glucans, hericenones, and triterpenoids, each contributing to their potent antioxidant capabilities.

For centuries, these mushrooms have been integral to traditional medicine across various cultures, valued for their ability to support overall wellness. Today, thanks to advances in extraction technology, we can harness these compounds more effectively, ensuring that our products optimise both body and mind health. Shumi's commitment to purity and potency makes our functional mushroom extracts a trusted choice for those seeking to enrich their health regimen with nature’s most powerful elements.

What's an adaptogen?

Adaptogens are herbs, plants, and mushrooms that support the body's stress response. They help regulate stress hormones at the cellular level, promoting balance and resilience in the body. Adaptogens enhance overall well-being by combating stress and fatigue, working gradually and consistently over extended periods.

How frequently should I take mushrooms?

For optimal benefits, you should incorporate functional mushrooms into your daily routine. Consistency is key, as these adaptogens work gradually and their effects build over time. It's recommended to follow the dosage instructions provided with each product, typically around 2 full droppers (2ml) of extract daily. Integrate them into your morning coffee, smoothie, or evening tea, and maintain regular use to fully experience their transformative health benefits, from enhanced cognitive function and immune support to improved stress resilience and vitality. 

What does mushroom “extract” mean?

A mushroom "extract" refers to a concentrated form of the mushroom's beneficial compounds, obtained through a meticulous extraction process. This process involves using solvents like water or alcohol to draw out and concentrate the bioactive ingredients from the mushroom's fruiting body. At Shumi, we employ advanced ultrasonic extraction technology, which uses high-frequency sound waves to break down the cell walls of the mushrooms, ensuring the release of their full spectrum of nutrients and bioactive compounds. The result is a potent, bioavailable extract that delivers the maximum health benefits of the mushroom in a convenient and easily absorbable form. 

Are your bottles recyclable or reusable?

Yes, our bottles are both recyclable and reusable. We prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in our packaging choices. Our glass bottles can be recycled in most local recycling programs, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy. Additionally, they can be creatively repurposed for various uses around your home, extending their lifecycle and minimizing environmental impact. 


What types of mushroom extracts does Shumi offer?

Shumi is dedicated to offering a range of meticulously crafted, premium mushroom extracts, each selected for their unique health benefits:

Shiitake: Enhances immune function and supports cardiovascular health.

Lion's Mane: Boosts cognitive abilities, improving focus and memory.

Reishi: Aids in relaxation and sleep, and helps manage stress.

Chaga: Known for its strong antioxidant properties and immune support.

What makes Shumi mushroom extracts more effective than whole mushrooms?

Shumi mushroom extracts are superior to whole mushrooms for several key reasons:

Enhanced Concentration: Our extraction process intensifies bioactive compounds like triterpenoids in Reishi and betulinic acid in Chaga, offering a more potent dose per serving for enhanced immune support and anti-inflammatory effects.

Improved Bioavailability: Whole mushrooms contain tough chitin cell walls, limiting nutrient absorption. Our ultrasonic extraction breaks down these barriers, significantly increasing bioavailability, ensuring your body absorbs and utilizes the beneficial compounds effectively.

Advanced Extraction Techniques: We use cutting-edge ultrasonic extraction to maximize beneficial compounds, ensuring our products offer the highest efficacy and potency while maintaining ingredient integrity and purity.

Purity and Potency: We source 100% wood-grown, organic mushrooms, focusing on fruiting bodies rich in bioactive compounds. Avoiding mycelium, grains, fillers, or carriers ensures our extracts capture the pure, undiluted essence of nature.

How are Shumi extracts made?

Shumi extracts are derived from organically grown mushroom fruiting bodies, sourced exclusively from Finland’s pristine forests. We employ a dual-extraction process using purified spring water and 22% ethanol to thoroughly capture both water-soluble and alcohol-soluble compounds, ensuring a full spectrum of active ingredients.

To maximise the potency and bioavailability of these compounds, our extraction incorporates ultrasonic-assisted technology. This advanced method uses ultrasonic waves to break down the mushrooms' cell walls, allowing for a deeper and more efficient extraction of beneficial bioactive components. This process ensures that each Shumi extract delivers optimal health benefits with the highest quality and efficacy.

How do I take your mushroom extracts?

Our extracts typically come in liquid form. You can easily mix them into your coffee, tea, smoothies, or other beverages. Check the specific product instructions for recommended serving sizes.

How long will it take before I start noticing changes in my body?

You may start noticing subtle improvements within a few weeks of consistent use, such as increased energy levels and better stress management. However, significant benefits typically become more apparent after several months of regular use. It's important to note that the timeframe can vary from person to person, as individual responses to adaptogens differ. Maintaining a consistent daily intake is key to fully experiencing their transformative health benefits.

Whats the best time of day to take the product?

The best time of day to take our products depends on your wellness goals and the specific mushroom extract you are using:

  • Morning: For energy and cognitive support, take Lion's Mane and Shiitake extracts in the morning. They help enhance mental clarity, focus, and overall vitality.

  • Daytime: Chaga extract is ideal during the day for sustained energy, immune support, and resilience against stress.

  • Evening: Reishi extract is best taken in the evening to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

For optimal results, incorporate these extracts into your daily routine by adding them to your beverages or taking them directly under the tongue.

Are your products organic?

Yes, our products are organic. We source 100% wood-grown, organic mushrooms and focus solely on the fruiting bodies, which are rich in bioactive compounds. Our extracts are certified organic by both EU and USDA standards, ensuring they are free from pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals. This commitment to organic sourcing ensures that you receive the purest and most potent mushroom extracts available.

Are Shumi extracts tested for heavy metals and microbial contamination?

Yes — every single batch of Shumi extracts is meticulously tested at a third-party laboratory for the presence of heavy metals, mycotoxins, and microbial contamination. This rigorous testing ensures the utmost safety and quality of our products, allowing you to embrace the benefits of our extracts with confidence and peace of mind.

Are Shumi products allergen-free?

Our extracts are derived purely from organically grown mushroom fruiting bodies and are typically free from any common allergens. We recommend reviewing product labels carefully for detailed ingredient information, especially if you have allergies or sensitivities.

Are Shumi extracts safe and legal?

Absolutely. At Shumi, we take pride in the legal status and safety of our functional mushroom extracts. All of our products are compliant with rigorous health regulations and are crafted from mushrooms that have been used safely in traditional wellness practices for centuries. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance; we actively embrace the latest scientific research to ensure that every extract offers not only historical wisdom but also scientifically validated benefits.

Our extracts are produced in a state-of-the-art facility in Finland, overseen by some of the most knowledgeable specialists in the industry. This ensures that every product we offer is free from harmful contaminants and is of the highest quality. Trust in Shumi to deliver pure, potent, and professionally curated mushroom extracts designed to enhance your well-being with every use.

What is the shelf life of your products?

Each of our meticulously crafted tinctures boasts an impressive shelf life of at least two years, thanks to the stabilizing properties of alcohol used in their formulation. To maximize longevity, we recommend storing your bottle at room temperature or in the refrigerator. For optimal preservation, keep the tincture away from direct sunlight and store it in a cool, dry place. This careful storage ensures that each drop maintains its efficacy and quality, just as nature intended.

Why is there alcohol in your products?

We include alcohol in our products to enhance the extraction process. Alcohol is a highly effective solvent that helps draw out and preserve a wide range of bioactive compounds from the mushrooms, such as triterpenes, polysaccharides, and antioxidants. This results in a more potent and bioavailable extract. Additionally, the small amount of alcohol used ensures the stability and longevity of our products, maintaining their efficacy over time.

Are your extracts suitable for vegan, gluten-free and kosher diets?

Absolutely. Shumi takes pride in crafting extracts that are as inclusive as they are effective. Our mushroom tinctures are vegan and gluten-free, containing no animal-based or gluten ingredients. Additionally, they are certified kosher and organic, ensuring they meet the highest standards for purity and ethical production. These commitments make our products a perfect fit for a variety of dietary preferences and needs, allowing everyone to experience the natural power of our extracts. 

Shumi's Mushrooms

What parts of the mushroom do you use?

We use the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms in our products. The fruiting body is the above-ground part of the mushroom, which contains the highest concentration of bioactive compounds. By focusing solely on the fruiting bodies and avoiding mycelium, grains, fillers, or carriers, we ensure that our extracts are pure, potent, and highly effective. This approach guarantees that you receive the full benefits of the mushrooms' natural compounds.

Where and how are your mushrooms grown?

Our mushrooms are grown in the pristine wilderness of Finland, renowned for its pure air, water, and soil. We source 100% wood-grown, organic mushrooms from this unspoiled environment. The unique Finnish climate, with long, harsh winters and brief, intense summers, cultivates mushrooms with unparalleled potency and adaptogenic qualities. We maintain sustainable and eco-conscious growing practices to ensure the highest quality and purity of our mushrooms, which are then meticulously harvested and processed to create our superior extracts.

Shipping & Orders

What are your shipping costs?
Shipping price is calculated in checkout after filling your address details. All orders shipped out by latest next day, but usually within the same day from order.

When should I expect a response from Customer Service?

You can expect a response from our Customer Service team within 24 to 48 hours. We are dedicated to providing prompt and helpful support to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any urgent inquiries, please specify this in your message, and we will do our best to prioritize your request.

Are taxes included in the orders?

For orders within the EU, all products include VAT. If you're ordering from outside the EU, products may be subject to import tariffs upon arrival, depending on your local customs authorities.

How long does it take to ship?

- 2-4 days via Fedex
- Up to 14 days for Asendia Priority Mail. (UK up to 21 days)

USA & Canada:

- 2-5 days via Fedex
- 14-30 days via Asendia Priority Mail.

Rest of the World:
- 3-7 days via Fedex
- 14-30 days via Asendia Priority Mail.